Tuesday 21 September 2010

Challenge: noun - a call or summons to engage in any contest, act of skill, strength

My name is Emma and in June 2011 I will be cycling from London to Paris to raise money for Link Community Development.

 In 2005, I took part in the Morocco Hitch and raised money for Link Community Development (LCD, from now on as that's a lot to type). It was a fantastic experience and such a great cause. I've decided that now I am a little bit older, probably not a lot wiser, I would like to get involved in another big event.

I have decided to set up this blog to document everything involved in preparing for this challenge. I hope to keep you entertained with stories of training, fundraising - perhaps with a few pictures along the way (I am new to this blogging business so I can't make any promises!)

I registered today and as soon as I made it official, the previous excitement at the idea of taking part turned to terror at the thought that I will now definitely have to cycle to PARIS in just 9 months time!

I am planning on starting my training next week so watch this space...

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