Saturday 29 January 2011

With a little help from my friends...

This week has been amazing! On Sunday night I received two messages, within an hour of one another, offering me the loan of a bike for my training and eventual cycle to Paris. My friend Lucy's boyfriend Rob offered me the use of his road bike as it is currently unused and gathering dust in a garage. About 30 minutes later, my friend Marissa let me know that her bike is currently surplus to requirement as she is deep into her marathon training.

Then, when I thought it couldn't get any better, my lovely friend Olly donated me a brand new mountain bike!

So, my ride is now sponsored by, and thanks to, OJ Carpentry.  Having a new bike will make things so much easier - not least because it weighs about a stone less than the old one, and is not made up of 85% mud and rust!

I'm very lucky to have such awesome friends who have been going above and beyond to help me out with this cause!

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