Wednesday 13 April 2011

26 miles...

I have had a lot more time this week as it is the school holiday's and I am working half days so decided to make use of a bit of extra time by getting out on my bike more.

Typical of my luck, I managed to pick the only wet day of this week for a ride. It looked like it was going to be okay and that the rain might hold off...until the very second that I got out of my car and the heavens seemed to open!

I knew it was going to rain but the timing of the downpour still seemed a little unfortunate. I did sit in the car for a good 10 minutes debating whether or not to go out in the rain but ultimately decided that I will be cycling to Paris in June, rain or shine, so might as well make the most of training time.

I was planning (somewhat optimistically) to ride the cycle path from Exeter to Dawlish and back (13 miles each way) twice, but by the time I got back to my car after the first 26 miles, I decided I was too cold and wet and miserable to carry on. I don't think I have every been so thoroughly soaked before! I did have the foresight to bring a change of clothes - ie, Jumper and joggers...but no spare pants, socks, or trainers so had to put dry trousers over soaking wet pants and sock-less feet into squelchy horrible trainers!

Oddly though, it always feels like you've worked harder when you've been out in the rain. Something about being that miserable makes me feel like I've really worked hard. :-)

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