Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 2 - Calais to Abbeville

8.30am - Briefing
We set off a little bit later today as we had less distance to cover. The lie in was truly amazing! As was the continental breakfast...crepes and pastries, possibly a little bit of fruit thrown in there, are a great way to fuel for a long day's riding. At the briefing we were given the low down for the day and took time to take a few group photos before setting off.

11am(ish) - First water stop

The terrain was quite hilly - with one huge hill leading up to the first water stop. We learned very quickly on Day 1 that an 'undulation' (in skyline terms) actually means 'the biggest hills you've ever seen, let alone ridden up). There were a fair few of these on day 2, like day 1. The riding was a lot more scenic and a lot more chilled out than day 1 as we weren't on a deadline so it meant that we could take it easy and all have a chat as we cycled which made a huge difference.

Between the water stop and lunch, the group of 10 that we had started out with had all got separated so I rode most of the morning with Tracy. Towards the lunch stop there were a few hills so we managed to catch everyone up and re-unite as a group. The lunch stop was at a lakeside picnic area which was very nice. We stopped for around 30 minutes or so to re-fuel before heading off again in a group. The weather, like the previous day, was dry and sunny. We were lucky as I think rain definitely would have made it a completely different (miserable) experience.

At the hotel, we all had our evening meal together of "chicken" (I swear the bones were too long to have come from a chicken - the subject of much debate) and chips before having a a few well earned drinks at the bar.

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