Sunday 12 December 2010

Christmas Market Fundraiser

I managed to rope in several friends and family members to help me produce some Christmassy crafts to sell at a Christmas market as a means of fundraising. Several lovely colleagues of mine knitted hot water bottle covers, tea cosys and scarfs while my mum provided some knitted tree stockings (I provided the chocolate santas and candy canes to go in them).

I am not especially talented when it comes to all things crafty but I was able to produce some Christmas and Birthday cards, a selection of assorted felt finger puppets, tree decorations and jewellery/gift bags.

My lovely friend April gave up her whole Saturday to help me out and only wanted payment in the form of bacon sandwiches for breakfast.

The day was a great success and I managed to raise £78.15 total towards my fundraising target. I also managed to speak to a lot of people about the event and Link Community Development and have hopefully made some good connections for future fundraising.

Update: The second sale raised a further £45 towards my target. :-)

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