Thursday 10 March 2011

35 miles...

I've had a mega busy week at work so have not made it to spinning/swimming/the gym or even out for a run this week. I thought I'd better step up my ride at the weekend to make up for it.

I went to a gig on Friday night and got home at about 2am, so despite my best intentions to get up and out on my bike at was closer to 11.30 by the time I actually made it out.

The weather was cold (so cold) but sunny so I was happy. The 35 took me 4 1/2 hours which is twice the time 26 took and not a huge increase in miles. However, the 26 was flat all the way...the 35 was not! Living in Devon, I am used to hills but until I started cycling I hadn't realised just how many hills there are!

I am proud to say that I only got off and pushed my bike up a hill once (well, technically twice but once was by order of a sign so I'm choosing not to count it) and it was an ALMIGHTY hill that seemed to go on forever...I think I was climbing for about 45 minutes so I am not even ashamed that it defeated me.

This was the first big run on the new bike and it was amazing! So happy with it!

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