Saturday 26 March 2011

40 miles...

I woke up this morning full of energy so managed to get out an about on my bike by just after 6.30am.

I did 40 miles and was home by 10.30am. I seem to be averaging about 10mph at a comfortable and sustainable pace. Thinking in terms of 40 miles being almost half way through the first day, I think my pace is about right. Also, thinkling about that makes a 95 mile day seem much (well, slightly) less terrifying!

My chain feel off a few times which was a bit annoying as I kept having to stop but other than that it was a really good ride. i feel a lot more confident about road riding now, as a lot of this was through town.

A few things I have learnt over the past few weeks:
Sneaky hills: Even if it seems flat in the car, it can still be a horrible hill when cycling.
Distance: Places seem to be a whole lot closer when you have got a high mileage count to reach (I arrived at a destination, via the long route, very disappointed to find I'd only done 12 miles!)

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