Wednesday 11 May 2011

16 miles...just stretching my legs

I did a little 16 mile ride today with my friend April, who has just signed up to do a week long cycling trip in Brittany with school. She, like me prior to my training, has only ridden a bike twice in the last 2 years and both were on school trips. We did a 2 (or maybe even less) mile mountain bike ride on the Moors last summer with a group of 11/12 year olds on school camps and we were both absolutely ruined afterwards. Out of breath all the way round and sore bums for a week afterwards!

She has decided that she had better do a little bit of training (if only to save face in front of her students) so after months of me pestering, finally gave in and came out for a ride with me.  It was nice to go at a steady (okay, pretty slow) pace and actually have a leisurely ride, rather than worrying about distance/speed/time etc like normal.

We did a route that I started off on early in my training and am proud to say that while it was horrendously hard a few months ago, was actually very easy today. It was a hilly route but didn't seem anywhere near as bad this time around. The sun was shining too, which always makes everything seem a lot better.

Although we only did a short distance today, my legs felt fine and the bike was still comfortable despite riding 2 consecutive days. I feel like I'm really starting to get into good stead for Paris

Stok Gabriel - Tea stop at the River Shack

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