Tuesday 31 May 2011

Arriving in London

To avoid the hassle, and added stress, of navigating my way across London with my bike and a week's worth of kit in tow, my friend Anna picked me up at Reading station and dropped me off at Crystal Palace.

One of my big worries for the trip was that I would not be able to navigate the route if I needed to do so (my map reading skills are terrible!). Obviously not realising this, Anna asked me to direct the way to the hotel. So, a good hour and a half later we actually arrived!

When we got to the Ho(s)tel, I have to admit that first impressions were not great. It was called 'The Lodge' and was decked out in wooden pannelling (what would have perhaps been a nice effect, had it not been on a tower block). My room was small and not particularly clean (the mould in the wardrobe and kettle was also a nice touch) but on the plus side, it was all mine - no sharing a bunk bed as I had imagined!

Another big worry was that everyone would have come with people and that I would be on my own. I didn't meet many people on the first night so this worry stuck with me until the next morning when everyone introduced themselves to everyone else.

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