Saturday 12 February 2011

26 miles...

I went out with Adelaide and Pete this weekend and we managed 26 miles. We took the cycle path along the canal from Exeter to Dawlish and back again. I don't know if it was having a new bike, or the ride being flat or just being generally a bit fitter (or probably a combination of all three) but 26 miles this weekend seemed a lot easier than 19 two weeks ago.

I've started to really panic a bit about what this cycle actually means. I think before it was just something that I was saying I was doing, without really thinking too much about it. Now training's started it's all very real and I've realised just what a mission it's going to be.

However, I am very lucky that I have a lot of good people who are happy to come out on rides with me, give me pep talks, assist with fundraising etc...and probably most importantly - educate me about bikes and cycling!

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