Saturday 19 February 2011

The Evolution of Bike

As I may have mentioned once or twice before, I am in no way a keen cyclist and know next to nothing (if not actual nothing) about it. Prior to taking on this challenge, it had probably been about 10 years since the last time I have owned a bike. For this reason, I definitely underestimated how difficult this challenge would be. Not just in terms of the physical but also in terms of having to learn so much about bikes and cycling.

The main and most important aspect of the whole ride is having the right bike. However, a few months ago 'a bike' was pretty much that category covered as far as I was concerned. I realised that the bike I started with would not be suitable for the ride but I didn't really have any idea what would be.


Luckily for me, I know a lot of people who know what's what about bikes who have been amazing at giving me advice and tips. Now, when asked about tyre leavers, schrader valves, cassettes etc I can actually answer rather than just stare blankly (in a mild panic that I've never even heard these words before). I am now able to repair punctures and change an inner tube by myself - I realise that this doesn't sound like the most impressive thing ever done but it is still a great feeling to know that you can fix your own bike (please see 'a cautionary tale' if you still fail to see the relevance).


A friend at work saw a picture of my new mountain bike and quickly realised how hard it would be to complete this challenge on it. Worrying about my choice of bike, he custom built me a hybrid road bike from an old frame and parts he had lying around in the attic. (I will make clear that he is a keen cyclist/enthusiast and owns several bikes - one friend commented that she was imagining a bike built out of old rocking chairs and other things you might find in the attic!)


So, I now have another new bike (although only on loan) to train and complete the ride on. I also have an expert on hand to advise me on kit lists, clothing, bike repairs etc. I feel like everything is coming together now to make this a really enjoyable experience.

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